Homemade Eskimo Bars Recipe [DAIRY-FREE]

Imagine biting into a chocolate-covered ice cream bar no weird additives, just pure, delicious indulgence.

Sounds yummy, Nah!

Whether you’re craving a refreshing treat on a hot day or looking for a fun dessert to make, these dairy-free homemade Eskimo bars are your answer.

Let’s dive into how you can whip these up in your kitchen!

Why Homemade Ice Cream Bars Is Good?

Making your ice cream bars at home isn’t just fun—it’s smart.

When you control the ingredients, you’re in charge of what goes into your body. Store-bought often come with a laundry list of ingredients you can’t even pronounce.

A recent study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health highlighted the risks associated with a common food preservative called tert-butylhydroquinone (tBHQ).

Source : SciTech Daily

That’s too much harm especially for the kids so I am asking from Moms:

Can you bought next time frozen ice-creams for kids or make it at home?

Plus, it’s cheaper in the long run and gives you the freedom to customize flavors exactly how you like them.

Homemade Eskimo Bars Recipe

A Bunch of Homemade Eskimo Bars with cashews topping on a white plate

Homemade Eskimo Bars

A Delicious Homemade Ice-Cream Dessert for your kids and loved ones
0 minutes
Total Time 6 hours 10 minutes
Course Dessert, Vegan
Cuisine American


Instructions For Dairy-Free Ice Cream Bars

  • Blend the Base: Combine cashews, water, coconut nectar, chia seeds, and vanilla in a blender. Blend until smooth and creamy.
  • Fill the Molds: Pour the mixture into ice pop molds, leaving a little room at the top. Freeze for about 8 hours or until solid.
  • Prepare the Chocolate Coating: Mix cacao powder, melted coconut oil, and a pinch of sea salt until smooth.
  • Coat the Bars: Once the bars are frozen, dip them into the chocolate coating, ensuring they’re fully covered. The chocolate will harden almost instantly.

Instructions For Homemade Eskimo Bars

  • Bake the Brownies: Follow your favorite recipe or use a mix. Once baked, let them cool completely before adding the ice cream layer.
  • Add Ice Cream: Spread softened vanilla ice cream over the cooled brownies. Freeze until firm.
  • Cut into Bars: Once the ice cream is solid, cut the brownies into squares.
  • Dip in Chocolate: Melt semisweet chocolate with coconut oil. Dip each bar into the chocolate and quickly place them on a lined baking sheet. Freeze again until the chocolate is set.
Keyword Homemade Eskimo Bars, Homemade Gluten-Free Icecream Bars

Serving Suggestions & Pairings

  • Serve these ice cream bars at a summer BBQ or as a refreshing after-dinner treat.
  • Pair them with fresh fruit, a drizzle of caramel sauce, or even a sprinkle of sea salt for an extra flavor boost.
  • These bars are versatile enough to be a hit at any gathering.

How long do these ice cream bars last?

They can be stored in the freezer for up to two weeks, though they’re usually gone before then!

Can I use store-bought ice cream?

Absolutely! Just make sure it’s softened enough to spread over the brownie base.

What’s the best way to store them?

Wrap each bar individually in parchment paper and keep them in an airtight container in the freezer.


Making your ice cream bars at home is a game-changer.

Not only do you get to control what goes into them.

You also end up with a delicious treat that’s healthier than anything you’ll find in stores. So, grab your ingredients, and let’s make some ice cream bars that are sure to impress!

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